To travel from Nairobi to Watamu, you can use different modes of transportation such as air, road or train.
By air, you can book a flight from Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (NBO) in Nairobi to Malindi Airport (MYD) via various airlines such as Kenya Airways, Fly540, and Jambojet. From Malindi Airport, you can take a taxi or shuttle to Watamu, which is about 20 kilometers away.
By road, you can use a private or public means of transport such as buses or matatus. Several bus companies operate on this route, including Modern Coast, Coast Bus, and Mash Bus. The buses depart from Nairobi city center and arrive in Malindi town, where you can take a taxi or shuttle to Watamu.
Alternatively, you can hire a private taxi from Nairobi to Watamu, which will take about 7-8 hours.
By train, you can take the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) from Nairobi to Mombasa and then take a taxi or shuttle to Watamu.
Once you arrive in Watamu, you can choose to stay in various accommodation options such as hotels, resorts, or villas. GK Palms Resort is one of the best resorts in Watamu, offering guests a luxurious and serene getaway. The resort features elegant rooms, a swimming pool, a private beach, and various activities such as water sports, guided tours, and cultural visits.